I believe I have completely freed myself from any Borg influence yet I am drawn to this board. Like many of you ,I lost my wife and family, but I don't believe I can do anything about that, and if I could, I doubt that it would be a kindness on my part to do so. They have so much invested. I know from my own experience; raised from childhood, baptized at 17, and then faced with the awful realization at 48 that it was all bullshit and I had wasted my life a terrible emptiness and a whole gambit of emotions I had to deal with. It was no picnic . I believe I am alright now at 62 and reasonably sane. At least I think I am. In fact I know I am. I've got my doubts about you though So why do I come here? I am not a crusader although I have helped many ex's. I don't have any lingering doubts about whether it could be true. So why I ask myself what is the fascination ( rhetorical question). I think its because, although I have never met any of you, I can relate to, and understand you .There is a certain report a bond that only we share that those that have not experienced it. do not really understand. Your the only connection I have with a major part of my life. I know I could party with you guys and have a great time So here I am